Dr. Runoko Rashidi
“I first met Jamarhl Crawford several years ago. I am a historian and he brought me up to Boston for a lecture I think at Roxbury Community College. He has since brought me back at least three more times. Rarely have I been as impressed with such a dedicated and consistent warrior for his community. His hard work ethic and his integrity won me over immediately. This is man born for service. And I have the greatest respect for him. Jamarhl, we are truly blessed to have you amongst us! And I am honored to know you.”
Wise Intelligent (Poor Righteous Teachers)
“I have known Jamarhl Crawford for nearly 15 years or more. In my time knowing him Jamarhl has always been a committed, trustworthy friend and brother. Whenever I’ve been to Boston he’s extended himself and his quarters. It was Jamarhl who really introduced me to Boston – his city, its politics, great entertainment and most importantly, its good people. Being a performing artist who tours and travels – in and outside the country, I’ve been blessed with the rare opportunity to meet and develop relationships with a plethora of different countries, backgrounds, occupations, ethnicities and cultures. With that in mind, I can say without a doubt, that Jamarhl “UNO The Prophet” Crawford sits at the top of the list when it comes to genuine, selfless human beings to whom “integrity” still means something.”
Chairman Fred Hampton, Jr.
“Although it may be understood, being that there are no foregone conclusions, I shall premise my position that by no means do I feel that electoral politics will serve as any sort of a panacea for the detrimental conditions that plague our community. However, we acknowledge the importance of utilizing various tactics to expose various contradictions within our communities. And I stress that we use the tactics as opposed to the tactics using us. As an international servant of the people. I/We emphasize the importance of respecting not only the fight for self-determination in general. But that of when going to respective locales, ie; New Orleans, LA, Detroit, MI, New York, NY, Sao Palo, Brazil, and yes, Boston, MA. We have been fortunate to come into contact with various forces on the ground engaging and working within the community, not only when it is ‘politically correct’ to do so. Jamarhl Crawford has literally jumped down in what we refer to as the code of culture. Winning artists to some point of unity with addressing the conditions within the communities to that of recognizing the rampant police terrorism that Boston in particular has been/is subjected to.". . . . . . . . . . .

Dr. Mutulu Shakur